May 15, 2023

Hello, Cozy Readers! I’m currently working on a novella in a new series, Butterfield’s Boutique and Computer Repair, in which two cousins carry on their grandmother’s jewelry shop, fix electronics, and, of course, solve mysteries.

The daughter of one of the cousins adores horses. And that love of horses is central to the overall arc of the series. It’s also a good reason for me to do more research for my books, which I love!

imageI’m doing a lot of reading about horses, which leads me to books like The History and Origins of the Virginia Gold Cup, on the Handmaiden to Genius website. This is also a beautiful book, which keeps bringing me back to librarian Amy Morrison and her love of leather-bound volumes!

Where has your curiosity taken you lately? Are you more of a “wander down the research trail” kind of reader, or do you “race to the finish line” when you’re looking something up?

Sending you cozy wishes,
Tammy D. Walker


Here’s another mystery to check out:

Ribbons of Death by Edita A. Petrick


When once in a Blue Moon myth collides with reality…

Carter is a man who lives for his work. The more dangerous, the better. The more remote, ditto. Anything that’ll keep him on the move; anything that won’t leave him a moment free to reflect on what he gave up, and what he lost due to neglect.

He’s the one that Special Agent Vernon Saunders calls, when he needs a precision tool to remove what threatens the security of the citizens. He’s the one he sends to have a chat with US diplomats overseas, about any alarming developments in their part of the world.



May 1, 2023

Hello, Cozy Readers! May is here, and gardening is in full swing at my house.

Around here, gardening runs in the family. Earlier this year, my kids and I planted some sunflowers that my parents started for us. I’m delighted to report that the sunflowers (which are my absolute favorite!) are doing well. 

We also have several sunflower plants that are volunteers out of the bird seed. Sometimes we get annoyed by squirrels knocking the seeds out of the feeders, but, hey, maybe they enjoy gardening too!

Once everything starts blooming, I promise I will send pictures in this newsletter!

What do you have planned for this month? I’d love to hear all about it!

Sending you cozy wishes,
Tammy D. Walker

PS: Have you read my cozy mystery Venus Rising? If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review wherever you like reading reviews. Thank you!


Here are more mysteries to check out:

Home Tours, History & Homicide
by Sally Bayless

imageLibby Ballard, director of the history museum in the small town of Dogwood Springs, Missouri, is thrilled to be organizing a tour of local historic homes to benefit the museum.

Plans for the event are well underway when Libby stops by to confirm details with one of the homeowners—and finds he’s been murdered.

Join Libby, her golden retriever, Bella, and their friends as they solve this mystery!

Home Tours, History & Homicide is part of the Dogwood Springs Cozy Mystery Series. If you like a mystery with an animal who will win your heart, friends who feel like family, and a sweet small town, you’ll love this series!

A clean cozy mystery with a hint of romance.

Weather Or Not
by Anne Shillolo

imageCome rain or shine, injured cop Claire Beckett finds herself forced to solve a series of mysterious deaths in order to clear her name.

Weather Or Not is a bonus story and a prequel to the Murder In Season mysteries. Catriona West is a TV meteorologist or, as her boss says, ‘weather girl.’ She’s the best friend of Murder In Season main character, Detective Constable Claire Beckett.

Weather Or Not takes a look at two unbelievable days in Catriona’s life.

First, she has to make a split-second decision that could end up getting her fired from her dream job.

Next, she learns that her ex, Luke, has been arrested. Cat is tempted to let him rot in jail, but the thought of the hyper, nerdy storm-chaser behind bars for something he didn’t do sends her on the hunt for an alibi.

Even worse is the shocking news about her best friend, Claire.

Unlike the other books in the series, Weather Or Not doesn’t have a murder, but the non-stop action will keep you on the edge of your seat.

April 15, 2023

(This is a copy of my newsletter from April 15, 2023.  If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!)

Hi, Cozy Readers. Just in time for tea on Saturday, 4/15, I’ll be part of the Cozy Mystery Party Spring Has Sprung Author Takeover Event!

There will be several authors posting from 10am-8pm Eastern with news on their books as well as lots of giveaways. I’ll be on at 3pm Eastern, and at 3:25, I’ll post about a giveaway, including a signed paperback copy of Venus Rising!

See you there!

Sending cozy wishes,
Tammy D. Walker


Here are a couple more mysteries to check out:

Friends in Need by Elliott Hay

Every day, Peggy, Carole, and Madge get together to knit, drink tea, and exchange juicy tidbits of gossip. Occasionally, they indulge in a bit of murder … but only when strictly necessary.

When a tumble down the stairs lands one of their friends in hospital, Peggy, Carole, and Madge don’t believe it was an accident. They come together to protect her. But this case isn’t as straightforward as they’d hoped. For starters, this time, murder’s off the table – but not for the reasons they’re all too used to hearing.

Without resorting to lethal methods, will Peggy, Carole, and Madge find a way to help their friend?


Every Trick in the Spellbook by Emory Keller

imageThe fate of Segmimn’s School of Sorcery hangs in the balance and Astrid is determined to tip the scales.

In the mystical mountain town of Quincy, California, Astrid Saunders is the most beloved professor at Segmimn’s School of Sorcery. She manages to champion students and teachers alike while deftly keeping herself out of the spotlight.

But when her childhood friend-turned-rival, Claudia, is charged with murder, Astrid can’t shake the feeling she didn’t do it, and no matter how badly she’d like to see Claudia eat a slice of humble pie, she just can’t walk away.

Speaking up for a spoiled princess will put all eyes on Astrid, and right in the middle of the drama she despises.

All the clues point to Claudia, but something isn’t right. There are too many secrets surrounding the people involved, and those people go too high up for Astrid to be content with simple answers.

She’s going to prove Claudia was framed because if she can’t, Segmimn’s will be embroiled in scandal, be forced to close its doors, and Astrid will lose the closest family she’s ever known.

With so much at stake, it’s going to take everyone working together to solve the puzzle. Rag-tag students, a cranky old sorceress, and even Astrid’s intuitive dog find a way to help. The detective assigned to the case is trying to keep it professional despite the chemistry he feels with Astrid,

And Astrid, well, she’s in the middle–the reluctant champion of a fight she didn’t choose but one she can’t afford to lose.

April 1, 2023

(This is a copy of my newsletter from April 1, 2023.  If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!)

Dear Cozy Readers,

It’s April, one of my favorite months!image

Seeds are sprouting in my garden, the weather is warming up nicely, and it’s National Poetry Month here in the US. (Did you know that I’m also a poet?)

I’d love to hear about what you’re reading, growing, and working on this month!

And even though it’s April 1st when I’m sending this, I’m sincerely looking to grow my ARC team. If you’re interested, please send me a reply to this message.

Sending cozy wishes,
Tammy D. Walker


Here’s another mystery to check out:

Ventis & Victims: Red Line Coffee Shop Mystery Book 1
by Donna B McNicol

image“Chief, we’ve got a floater!”

A dead body is found on Shallow Lake in the town of Jumpers Hole. A retired fire investigator, George “Weezy” Nikolaus, had a few secrets. But who would want to kill him and why?

Garrett Phillips is the co-owner of the Red Line Coffee Shop with two of his firefighter friends, Brett “Smokey” Davis and Stevie “Grizz” Williams. When he becomes the primary suspect in the murder, his friends and fellow co-workers band together to find the real killer.

The Bobcat of Beauchamp and Other Tales
by M. R. Dimond

imageAfter earning multiple degrees and certifications, Johnny Ly, Dianne Cortez, and JD Thompson suspected the American Dream was not within their reach. They quit high-powered jobs and moved to an old mansion in a small Central Texas town. They thought their chief problem would be earning livings as a veterinarian, accountant, lawyer, and ABBA tribute band, but they keep collecting stray cats and stumbling over mysteries that threaten them and those close to them. This collection covers some of their first cases, even all the way back to their college days.

March 15, 2023

(This is a copy of my newsletter from March 15, 2023.  If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!)

Hi, Cozy Readers!

One of the great things about cozy mysteries is that there’s a mystery for just about every interest. From animal lovers to history buffs, foodies to treasure hunters, there’s a book for everyone.

Writer Jill Piscitello explains what makes a cozy mystery so cozy and lists examples in her recent post, “Write Stuff Wednesday: Popularity of Cozies.” (And a huge thank you to Jill for including
Venus Rising
under cruise ship mysteries!)

What kinds of cozies do you like best?

Sending you cozy wishes,

Here are a few more reads to explore:

Dog Gone Troubles

by Karen McSpade

imageMeet Sidney Grace: Quirky Journalist. Curious Witch. Professional Butterfingers. Sidney Grace, a young journalist living in Boston, isn’t ready for all the troubles heading her way. For starters, she’s curious about her grandmother’s magic even though her spellcasting is a bit rusty. Sidney finds herself caught between her curiosity to learn more and her mother’s hatred for all things supernatural. After all, her mom has a Tupperware business to run and magic isn’t part of her business plan! The fact that her dad doesn’t seem to be bothered by an occasional spell gone wild, isn’t smoothing the water between these two matriarchs. But the family drama and her untapped magic are the least of Sidney’s problems. Things turn worse when her new boss asks Sidney to cover the annual Pup Parade and she makes a terrible mistake that could cost her career…and ultimately her life. Can her grandmother cast a spell that works right the first time and save Sidney? Or will her troubles finally get the best of this new witch? Dog Gone Troubles is a fun, heartwarming paranormal cozy mystery with quirky and charming characters that will keep you spellbound! This book is the prequel for the highly-anticipated Crystal Beach Magic Mystery Series.


The Prince of Escondida

by Lottie Morgan


Martin, the Prince of Escondida and the heir to the throne, has been captured.

King Mateo enlists the help of Lucia and her all-woman team of elite spies to find Martin and bring him home. As they search for him, Lucia must come to terms with her growing feelings for the prince. As part of the team, Princess Liliana, musters all of her courage and leans heavily on her spy training to assist in getting her brother back. Will they arrive in time to save the heir? Martin’s captors want to know about the legendary treasure of Escondida, rumored to be enough wealth to take power. When he is questioned, Martin must decide if he should tell them what he knows or stay quiet. Does the young prince know where the treasure is and will he give up its location before help arrives? Join the team as they embark on this new mission. Grab your copy today and fall in love with the Mediterranean island country of Escondida.

Tremors Through Time

by Anastasia Abboud

image She’s made mistakes and paid the price, but Deidre Chisolm is no quitter. She’ll never again be a fool for a man, not even her gorgeous new neighbor with his haunted eyes and strange accent. She’ll be friendly, but nothing more. Lachlann has to go back to fourteenth-century Scotland. He can’t forsake his family, his son. But when a beautiful, kind, funny lady buys the house next door, he’s never been so drawn to anyone in his life. Would she believe his story? After years of struggling through nightmares and flashbacks, headaches and illiteracy, dare he ask her to help him return?


March 1, 2023

(This is a copy of my newsletter from March 1, 2023.  If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!)

imageHi! Who else is >exceedingly< glad March is here? I know, I know, it’s still technically winter (in the northern hemisphere anyway), but the trees are budding out here in Dallas, and the daffodils just opened. The garden catalogs have arrived. And it’ll be time to shop for seed packets soon, too.

What are you looking forward to this spring? For me, it’s definitely getting out into the backyard with my family and planting cosmos, zinnias, marigolds, and my absolute favorite, sunflowers!

I’m also looking forward to the bluebonnets. For Amy Morrison, the small town librarian aboard a British ocean liner in my cozy mystery Venus Rising , there’s nothing more “Texas” than iced tea and a field of bluebonnets. I’ll admit I’m partial to both too 🙂

Another spring project I’m looking forward to is growing my ARC team. If you’re interested, please reply to this message and let me know!

Here are more cozy mysteries to check out:

Free March 1st and 2nd: Murder Takes the Train: Belle Sisters Cozy Mysteries by Katherine H. Brown

image The quaint, mountain town of Riverbend Junction has only one train in and one train out for transportation. The town hasn’t been home for Zadie Belle and Darla Belle, two of the three Belle sisters, since they moved away several years ago, but when they return this year for Christmas a theft and a murder derails the train and all of their plans for getting back to their regular lives. Especially when Darla Belle disappears and is accused of the crimes. Stuck in the small town in more ways than one, the sisters must put their heads together to figure out the murderer or else find themselves railroaded into a murder charge themselves.


The second book in the Belle Sisters Cozy Mysteries series, Murder Takes a Swim , is available for pre-order!

imageZadie Belle Sanders has barely recovered from her last discovery of a body when she grabs hold of another one, literally. With the death of the only law enforcement officer in Riverbend Junction, it is up to Zadie Belle and May Belle to fetch help from down the mountain. With the main suspect on the loose, one sister swooning over the new deputy in town, and the other sister keeping secrets, Zadie Belle finds herself searching for both a murderer and patience. She isn’t sure which will be harder to find. Join Zadie Belle, Darla Belle, and May Belle, affectionately known in town as the Belle sisters, as they track down clues in their snowy mountain town with the help of Doctor Radley Carver, former high school nemesis, and Deputy Hofferman, the new law in town.


The Flower Arraignment by Ashleigh Quinn

imageA florist, a fire, and a socialite’s murder. . .

Emma Collins, the owner of the local flower shop, is a green thumb extraordinaire with a bit of a perfectionist quirk and an insatiable desire to solve mysteries. Once she sets her mind to something, she doesn’t stop until she figures it out.

When Emma reads about a seemingly innocent house fire in the local newspaper, she immediately suspects that there is more to the story. With the help of her best friend, she uncovers some clues and finds a body. Was the fire really an accident?

With the green light from the local sheriff’s office, she sets out on her own investigation. Turns out their quiet little town has more going on than she could have guessed. Can she and her best friend solve the murder before more bodies hit the ground?


72 Hours in Savannah by Jeff Stanger

imageJonathan Quick is in Savannah, just trying to find love and Twinkies. But the police have a different agenda. A body found at the local ballpark has a trophy sticking out of it. Not only is Quick the expert in identifying baseball relics, but he’s also connected to the suspected killer. The police think revenge is the motive. Quick is sure it’s greed. And now he has 72 hours to find the killer and the most valuable artifact in baseball history. It’s a treasure hunt like no other in the land where pirates routinely buried gold and people who got too close to the truth.

February 15, 2023

(This is a copy of my newsletter from February 15, 2023.  If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!)

Hi, Cozy Readers!

Earlier this week, I celebrated a day that is very significant for me. (No, not that one!)

imageFebruary 13th is World Radio Day. As a radio geek, I celebrated by working on my radio show, studying for the general amateur radio test, and of course, just listening to music on two of my favorite stations here in Dallas, KXT 90.1 and Indie 88.1.

So, happy belated World Radio Day, y’all!

imageAmy Morrison, the cruise ship librarian in my cozy mystery Venus Rising, takes a radio with her on her travels. She’s a huge fan of the BBC World Service (as am I!).

Are you a radio listener too? I’d love to hear about your favorite station and what they play.

Sending you cozy wishes for good listening,



For more cozy reads, check out these titles:

 Puzzle At Peacock Perch by Suzanne Rudd Hamilton



Katz’ Cat by Dawn Greenfield Ireland


February 1, 2023

(This is a copy of my newsletter from February 1, 2023.  If you want to subscribe and get a free cozy mystery novelette, click here!)

Hi, Cozy Readers!

Greetings from chilly Dallas! Since this is my first newsletter, I’d like to introduce myself (and I’d enjoy hearing more about you as well). So, hi, I’m Tammy. I’m a poet, mystery writer, teacher, radio geek, and a mom. I’m also a life-long Texan, originally from Houston and with a couple years in Austin in there too.

In 2020, when my family and I were sheltering at home, we watched a lot of travel videos. I also read a lot of travel guides that year too, including my copy of a London travel guide by Rick Steves, which I’d bought in preparation for my first visit to Europe over twenty years ago.

imageI was also reading a lot of mysteries, many of them cozies. I love reading, well, just about anything, but something about the pandemic made mysteries more appealing to me than before. That said, I’ve always loved mysteries, and my husband and I would watch Masterpiece Mystery quite often before the kids came along.

One afternoon, I was browsing Cunard’s website and gazed for a moment at a gorgeous library on ship. I thought, Hey, I’d totally read a cozy mystery set in a cruise ship library. Then I thought, Hey, I’d totally love to write a cozy set in a cruise ship library.

And that’s how my newest book Venus Rising began….

So that’s me. I’d love to hear more about you, too. You can just hit reply and say hello, if you’d like! (And, psst, I’m setting up an ARC team, so drop me a line if you’re up for joining the group.)

Sending you cozy wishes on this cold morning,

For more free cozy reads, check out these titles:

The Sneaky Seashore Slayer by Audrey Clementine



Dog Gone Troubles by Karen McSpade



Murder at the Cellar by Dani Simms
